SEL-Ensemble focuses specifically on outcomes connecting to the skills of self management, self-discipline, interpersonal and relationship skills, and self expression We demonstrate how these skills can clearly be improved with success in a drama or performance experience.
In School Residency
After School Residency
Small Group Intervention
This 10-session program includes materials and culminates with a performance or video production. Students in Grades K - 8 build SEL skills through the collaborative process of creating a culminating performance to be shared with the community. Classes are facilitated by teaching artists who are degreed professionals with expertise in theatre, film, or dance.
Up to 16 students spend 10 sessions reading and discussing a classic story and learning how to bring the characters to life on stage for a culminating performance. SEL Ensemble (Vendor #97242) is a CPS preferred vendor for OST Services and for CSI Partner Agency Services.
Available for students grades K – 8 during the school day, this pull out program builds key SEL skills using drama based methods. Lesson plan tailored to meet student needs based on test scores and teacher recommendation. Includes materials.
CSI Partner Services
As Lead Partner Agency (“LPA”), SEL Ensemble works to engage with a partner school to formulate a working model of arts integration to achieve partnership goals. This will include the hiring and training of a Resource Coordinator (“RC”) to work at a school site to achieve goals established by the Implementation and Sustainability Process Strategy (“ISPS”) in a manner that invigorates a community led approach to better student outcomes.
Join a trained stage combat instructor in presenting selected fight scenes from William Shakespeare's works. This is an introductory course to the work of the Bard as well as a dive into rudimentary stage combat skills that serve to sell the idea that the Capulets didn't all that much like the Montagues.
Shakespeare Fights!
Looking for Drama-based literacy programming?
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